Thirty years of independence for the Slovak and Czech Republics (1993–2023)

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the 30th anniversary of the creation of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the French Embassy and French Institute in Slovakia, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the French Centre for Research in Social Sciences and the Czech Centre in Bratislava invite you to round table discussions on the theme: Thirty years of independence for the Czech and Slovak Republics (1993-2023)

Location: Hall of Mirrors of the Primatial Palace, Primaciálne námestie 2, Bratislava
Date: 23 and 24 October 2023
Language: Slovak / French (Simultaneous translation Slovak ↔ French)

The registration for the event is opened until October 12th. Room capacity is limited. Free admission.
Also available online.


23. 10. 2023

17:30 – 18:00: Opening

18:00 – 20:00: Actors – witness of the historical key events
Moderator: Jaro Valent
Discussants: Xavier Galmiche (Sorbonne Université), Michaela
Jurovská (diplomate), Dušan Kováč (SAV), Václav
Bělohradský (philosophe)

20:00 – 22:00: Reception

24. 10. 2023

10:00 – 12:00: Political development of the two independent Republics
Moderator : Agáta Šustová Drelová
Discussants: Étienne Boisserie (Inalco), Michal Kopeček (ÚSD AV ČR), Juraj Marušiak (ÚPV SAV), Jana Vargovčíkova (Inalco)

12:00 – 13:30: Lunch break

13:30 – 15:30: Literature as a mirror of society
Moderator: Agáta Šustová Drelová
Discussants: Xavier Galmiche (Sorbonne Université), Michal Jareš (ÚČL AV ČR), Jana Kantoříková (Humboldtova Universita), Peter Zajac (ÚSlL SAV)

15:30 – 16:00: Coffee break

16:00 – 18:00: Transformation in Czech and Slovak society
Moderator: Jaro Valent
Discussants: Miloslav Bahna (SÚ SAV), František Novosád (FÚ SAV), Viliam Páleník (EÚ SAV), Paulína Tabery (SÚ AV ČR)

Workshop: Care of the habitat

Care of the Habitat. Between Infrastructure Maintenance and Attention to Living Beings

Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague
Date: 19–20 October 2023
Language: English

Organized by :


Scientific Committee :
Chloé Mondémé (Triangle, CNRS / CEFRES)
Petr Gibas (Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences / CEFRES)
Mateusz Chmurski (CEFRES)
Ange Pottin (University of Vienna / CEFRES)

Please see the program here below and download the program here.

Continue reading Workshop: Care of the habitat

The first world’s maps

The first world’s maps.
The mythical and geographical origins of the birth of Europe and the concept of continents

First session of the 2023-2024 CEFRES Francophone Interdisciplinary Seminar The map and the border
In 2023, we would like to start by beginning by questionning the very act of bordering and representing (a territory, a period, a trajectory), in short, thanks to the interdisciplinarity of our respective disciplines, to question the map and the border.

Location: CEFRES Library, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1
Dates: Friday, October 13th, 10 am
Language: French

Sylva Fischerová
Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague

We are living in a world divided in continents. This fact seems evident for us, but a more careful look on the world’s map can let us doubt of this evidence and leads certain people to talk about the “myth of continents”.

Continue reading The first world’s maps

A “Common Memory” of Yugoslav Wars?

A “Common Memory” of Yugoslav Wars?
The Case of Four Female Writers from the Balkan Diasporas

1st session of CEFRES in-house seminar
Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented.

Location: CEFRES Library
Tuesday, 10th of October
Contact / To register:

Discussant: Chiara Mengozzi (Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Associate at CEFRES)

Lola Sinoimeri (CEFRES / Université Paris 8 / Sorbonne University)


My thesis explores the links between self-writing and collective experiences – those of war, immigration, diaspora and gender violence. The question of the “common” or the “we” that these literatures bring into existence across borders is therefore central to my research. After drawing up an overview of the different types of “we” experienced and/or reappropriated in post-socialist, post-Yugoslav and migratory contexts, I will show how a “common memory” can be created in the works of immigrant women authors dealing with the wars in Yugoslavia. In particular, I will be exploring the deconstruction of a ‘national memory’ (Assmann 2006), the representation of diasporic communities, the treatment of silences and the links between fictional and documentary writing.

See the complete program of 2023–2024 seminar here.

CEFRES–EHESS workshop dynamics of political participation

Dynamics of Political Participation: Disciplinary Knowledge through the Prism of “Area Studies”

This PhD Students Workshop is organized withing the cooperation agreement signed by EHESS, CEFRES, Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences.

Organizers and chairs of the workshop: Lucie Drechselova (CETOBAC, EHESS), Falk Bretschneider (Centre Georg Simmel, EHESS), Mateusz Chmurski (director of the CEFRES)
Time and place: 26 September 2023 (9:00 – 18:30) – CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1. It is also possible to participate online. For online participation, please follow this link :
Language of the workshop: English

Keynote by Olga Lomová, Charles University et Tomáš Weiss, Charles University.

The thesis of the workshop is available on the page of the CFP.

Schedules  :

9:00-9:10 Welcome Address: Mateusz Chmurski, director of CEFRES & Falk Bretschneider, EHESS

9:10-10:10 Dialogical Keynote

Olga Lomová, Centre for Strategic Regions & Professor of Chinese Literature at the Faculty of Arts (Charles University): “The Elusive Nature of „area studies” and Czech Academic traditions”


Tomáš Weiss, Institute of International Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences (Charles University): “Area Studies Today: Between Academic and Political Use”

10:10-10:20 Coffee Break

10:20-12:15 PANEL 1 Area Studies through the Prism of Other “Studies”: Gender, Decolonization and Researchers’ Positionality

Discussant: Pelin Ayan Musil, Institute of International Relations, Prague

Alex Alexis, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne: Law from One Geographical Area to Another: Decolonizing Legal Transplants through Political Participation

Rebecca Saab Saade, EHESS: The Orientalism of Sexual Desire and the Omnipresence of the White Gaze. How Desiring Arabs Travels Between Spaces

Anna Huláková, Charles University: Women’s Political Participation in the Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament

Szilvia Nagy, CEU Vienna: Situating the Global East: Positionality in the Shadow of the Epistemic ‘Grey Zone’

12:15-13:15 Lunch Break

13:15-14:15 PANEL 2 Area Studies viewed from the Perspective of Central Europe

Discussant: Tomáš Petrů, Oriental Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences) & Faculty of Arts (Charles University)

Monika Stachová, Charles University: “O Roma hi čačes a po névo droma.” Slovak Roma in the State Socialism and Early Post Socialism

Aleš Michal, Charles University: Liberal Democratic Representation Facing New Triangle Polarization: Lessons from the Central Europe

14:15-14:30 Coffee Break

14:30-15:30 PANEL 3 Area Studies: the Challenges and Prospects of Interdisciplinarity

Discussant: Radek Buben, Centre for Ibero-American Studies, Faculty of Arts (Charles University)

Anne Goerens, Centre d’Etudes Politiques Et sociales (CEPEL), Montpellier: Towards political participation through citizen empowerment? The case of energy policy in Guadeloupe

Noelia Noya Iglesias, EHESS: A reflection on interdisciplinary bridges to consider the roles of territorial intermediation in Latin America

15:30-15:45 Coffee Break

15:45-18:15 Collective Master Class led by Antonella Romano (EHESS-Centre Alexandre Koyré): “Area Studies and Social Sciences: Place, Position, Positionality” & General Discussion

18:15-18:30 Closing of the workshop: Lucie Drechselová, CETOBaC (EHESS)

19:00 Workshop dinner for invited researchers

History of sensibilities with Hervé Mazurel

LECTURE: History of sensibilities, with Hervé Mazurel.
CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague
Date: September 21, 2023, 5:30 pm
Convenor: Ondřej Matějka (Faculty of Social Sciences Charles University)
Language: French (with translation into Czech provided by Ondřej Matějka and Josef Fulka)

On the occasion of his stay in Prague, Hervé Mazurel will hold a lecture about his book L’inconscient ou l’oubli de l’histoire. Profondeurs, métamorphoses et révolutions de la vie affective (La Découverte, 2021). Professor at the University of Burgundy, he is one of the most eminent specialists of the history of the body, sensibilities and the imaginary, specialising in nineteenth-century Europe. He is also co-director of the review Sensibilités. Histoire, critique et sciences sociales. As an epistemologist, he is also involved in revitalising the relationship between history, the social sciences and the disciplines of the psyche.

Link :

A round-table discussion will follow this lecture:

ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION : Exposing psychoanalysis to history.

Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague
Date: September 22, 2023, 10 a.m.
Language: English

On Friday, September 22, a round-table discussion will be organized from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. This exchange will be held in English.

With the participation of Ondřej Matějka (FSV UK) and Josef Fulka (FHS UK).

In order to participate, please contact Mr. Ondřej Matějka (