All posts by Cefres

Representing same-sex desire

Representing same-sex desire.
Local contexts, global circulations

A project funded by the 4EU+ University Alliance, developed by Sorbonne University (Paris), the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Prague), the Universities of Copenhaguen, Milan and Warsaw, and CEFRES.

Project coordinators:

Josef Šebek, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech and Comparative Literature – principal investigator of the 4EU+ minigrant
Mateusz Chmurski, CEFRES – French Center for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague / Sorbonne Université
Carlotta Cossutta, Università degli Studi di Milano Statale / FUEL – Feminist and Queer Philosophy Lab
Libuše Heczková, Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech and Comparative Literature / Centre of Gender Studies
Anton Juul, University of Copenhagen / Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Difference
Iwona Kurz, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Instytut Kultury Polskiej
Jean-François Laplénie, Sorbonne Université / Initiative Genre Philomel


The project intends to develop a network of 4EU+ colleagues working on LGBTQ+ cultural and literary history around a book project for the International Comparative Literature Association series’ Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (ICLA CHLEL). Continue reading Representing same-sex desire

Gábor Egry – Research & CV

Contact :

An invisible empire? Austro-Hungarian economic space in Central and Southeastern Europe 1890-1930: actors, structures, embeddedness, factors of resilience

Historian, Phd, DSc, chief director. He has published four books and two edited volumes, most recently Etnicitás, identitás, politika. Magyar kisebbségek nacionalizmus és regionalizmus között Romániában és Csehszlovákiában 1918-1944 [Ethnicity, identity, politics. Hungarian minoirties between nationalism and regionalism in Romania and Czechoslovakia 1918-1944] (Napvilág, Budapest, 2015), and numerous articles in specialist journals (incl. SlavicReview and EastCentral Europe), volumes and media outlets on topics of history and politics of identity. He was visiting lecturer at the University of Miskolc, at Stradins University, Riga and at ELTE Budapest, „Europa” Fellow of the New Europe College – Institue for Advanced Studies, Bucharest, visiting fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg, Jena and at IOS Regnesburg, Fulbright visiting reserach scholar at Stanford University, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. Continue reading Gábor Egry – Research & CV

CFP – Boundless Affections

Boundless Affections: Methodologies in Transnational History of Same-Sex Desire in Literature (19th-20th centuries)

This international workshop is conceived as a preparatory event for the ICLA Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series’ Topic Volume Representing Same-Sex Desire. Local Contexts, Global Circulations in European Literary Cultures. (CHLEL :

Date: September 19-20, 2024
Location: CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague and online

  • Mateusz Chmurski, Sorbonne-Université / CEFRES
  • Clément Dessy, Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Hélène Martinelli, École normale supérieure de Lyon / CEFRES
  • Ana Isabel Simón-Alegre, Adelphi University
  • Josef Šebek, Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky, Filosofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova


  • Coordinating Committee for the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages Series, International Comparative Literature Association (CHLEL-ICLA)
  • National Research Fund, Belgium (FNRS)
  • Research Centers STRIGES and Philixte, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
  • Adelphi University (New York), United States
  • French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES), Prague, Czech Republic
  • Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Charles University (ÚČLK FF UK)

The book project aims to embrace the complexity of same-sex desire representations in European-language literatures: from the late 19th century and the beginning of the modernist movement, which is also a moment when contemporary definitions of homosexuality appeared in different European contexts, until the end of the 20th century, which coincided with the years of AIDS pandemic years and the remodeling of these representations. The last decades of the last century were a time of depenalization and theoretical discussions in many Western countries, which paralleled the emergence of new social and historical perspectives, in the gay and lesbian studies, later followed by another conceptual turn, with the development of gender and queer studies.

The choice of a positive definition of same-sex desire as a point of departure prevents us from approaching the question from a social, cultural, and literary point of view, which would be based exclusively on an opposition to heteronormativity. This allows us to observe different local specificities and tendencies in literary representations from a transnational and comparative perspective. Our goal is to observe possible discrepancies between various traditions as well as fruitful dialogues between them, instead of proposing a universalist coming-out model of lesbian, gay and queer literary history set as a progressivist narrative.

Representations of same-sex desire are to be understood in both “aesthetic (mimetic) and political (acting on behalf of) sense of the term” (Couser 2016: 3). This will allow us to focus not only on the circulation of forms, genres, disposals of texts, works, and authors, but also on their potential for identification. This can also help us to determine the patterns of their reception in local and transnational circulations, as well as their interactions with social and political discourses. Here the opposition to various sets of norms – the transgression of which can eventually become to some extent norms themselves – is part of the reflections proposed for this volume.

In the context of this workshop, all analyses must go beyond purely national frameworks, taking into account the diversity and specific context of each country and/or linguistic area. We will focus on discussing theoretical and methodological issues in comparative literature, such as:

  1. (Dis)continuities: How can we compare the historical representations of same-sex desire in European languages in terms of continuities and changes? How can we avoid essentializing of identities in the process?
  2. Epistemology: What methods and concepts have already been used to analyze these representations across languages and literatures? Were there studies dedicated to literary representations of same-sex desire prior to the 1970s that paved the way for the establishment fields of investigation, such as gay and lesbian and queer studies?
  3. Canon / Subcanon(s): How does the emergence of literature exploring diverse sexual orientations and gender identities relate to both European literary traditions and transcultural/transnational perspectives? Can we trace a comparative history of a subcanon of same-sex desire representations in literature?
  4. Genre: Can we identify a use of specific genres in relation to representations of same-sex desire:
    in fiction/non-fiction, drama, poetry, etc.?
  5. Gaze/Style: Does a gay/lesbian/queer gaze exist in the literary treatment of same-sex desire representations? Do these representations use certain tropes and regularities of authorial self-representation, negotiation with (dominant) norms etc. across texts and literatures?
  6. (De)centering: How might one identify the differences and similarities between peripheral literary developments (such as post-imperial, post-colonial, post-socialist) within different social, cultural, and political contexts marked by oppression under authoritarian or religious power structures, especially in their depictions of same-sex desire?
  7. Cultural transfers and nationalisms: How can we think about the relationship between nationalism and representations of same-sex desire in literature and other media (e.g. national stereotypes, fear of cosmopolitanism…)? What role have various forms of translation and appropriation of texts representing same-sex desire played on national and transnational levels?

To submit a proposal, please send the following information before May 15, 2024:
a) Your written proposal in English, between 250 to 300 words, including your name, email, and university
b) A brief biography in English, between 200 to 250 words, using the provided Google form:

The committee will notify decisions regarding the proposals sent starting from May 30, 2024.

Proposals via email will not be accepted. Partial or integral refund of travel expenses may be available.

For any inquiries, please contact:

Central-European Masculinities

Central-European Masculinities in a Comparative Perspective

A project developed by the Institute of Literary Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IL WNH UŚ), the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (ÚČLK FF UK), the Institute of Czech Literature at the Czech Academy of Sciences (ÚČL AV ČR), the Institute of Polish Culture at the Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw (IKP WP UW), the Institute of Slovak Literature at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ÚSL SAV), the Center for Social Sciences – Sociology Institute (HUN-REN TK SZI), and the French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague (CEFRES, CNRS-MEAE), supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research through the PARCECO program.

Time and place: June 19th and 20th, 2024, at CEFRES, Na Florenci 3, Prague 1, and November 14th and 15th, 2024, at the University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland.
Language: French, English
Organizers: Wojciech Śmieja (IL WNH UŚ), Mateusz Chmurski (CEFRES/Sorbonne), Iwona Kurz (IKP WP UW), Richard Müller (ÚČL AV ČR), Josef Šebek (ÚČLK FF UK), Ivana Taranenková (ÚSL SAV)


Continue reading Central-European Masculinities

CFP | The Translation of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Translation of Humanities and Social Sciences

The colloquium aims to provide new insights into the dynamics of intellectual transfer and translation in Europe, exploring the distinctions and commonalities between Western and Central-Eastern Europe. With a focus on fostering lively discussion and facilitating the exchange of ideas and experiences, participants will endeavor to address the following inquiries:

Date: May 15th and 16th, 2025
Location: Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Organizers: Katarína Bednárová, Silvia Rybárová, Ján Živčák (Institute of World Literature, Slovak Academy of Sciences)

“Science is one of the most significant factors in cultural life. It is the force that empowers nations. A powerful catalyst for cultural development, it embodies a profoundly moral activity, the advancement of which is a sacred duty of humankind.”
Ján Lajčiak, in Slovakia and Culture (1920) Continue reading CFP | The Translation of Humanities and Social Sciences

Études du CEFRES

Les Études du CEFRES (CEFRES Studies) help spreading the work of the French Research Centre in Humanities and Social Sciences (CEFRES). Above all, they enable CEFRES’s Fellows and Young Researchers to publish their work in progress or to address current events.

— Miklos Székely :
Contemporary Art Museums in Central Europe. Between International Discourse and National (Re)building Strategies, Étude du CEFRES n° 17, 2014, 34 p.

— Viera Knutelská :
The Czech Coordination System of European Affairs and Its Inclusiveness, Étude du CEFRES n° 16, 2013, 25 p.

A partir de l’Europe centrale, analyser un monde qui change. Textes issus du colloque organisé à l’occasion du 20e anniversaire du Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales, Étude du CEFRES n° 15, 2012, 58 p.

— Éloïse Adde (dir.) :
Aux sources de l’idée d’union européenne. Étude du CEFRES n° 14, 2009, 54 p.

— EU 27 : How to cope with the new challenges of agriculture and rural development ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 13e, 2008.

— Comment affronter à vingt-sept les nouveaux défis de l’agriculture et du développement rural ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 13, 2008, 25 p.

— Gérard Lenclud :
Claude Lévi-Strauss aujourd’hui, Étude du CEFRES n° 12, 2008, 26 p.

— Igor Tchoukarine (dir.) :
Entre mythe et réalité : les relations culturelles et politiques entre les Tchèques et les Slaves du sud de l’ex-Yougoslavie aux 19e et 20e siècles, Étude du CEFRES n° 11, 2008, 82 p.

— Jana Kopřivová, Vincent Moreau, Philippe Rusin :
Les collectivités territoriales en République tchèque : compétences, fonctionnement et finances locales. Éléments de comparaison avec la France, Étude du CEFRES n° 10, 2007, 38 p.

— Philippe Rusin :
Pologne ’libérale’ versus Pologne ’solidaire’ – Les deux facettes de la transition vers l’économie de marché, Étude du CEFRES n° 9, 2007, 27 p.

— Gérard Lenclud :
Pour comprendre une culture, faudrait-il adopter son point de vue ?, n° 8, 2006, 18 p.

— Annabelle Coustaury :
L´ODS et l’Europe, Étude du CEFRES n° 7, 35 p.

— Tereza Hyánková,
L’immigration des Kabyles d’Algérie en République tchèque, Étude du CEFRES n° 6, 2005.

— Bertrand Badie,
Raymond Aron, penseur des relations internationales. Un penseur « à la française » ?, Étude du CEFRES n° 5, 2005.

— Olivier Plumandon,
Organisations patronales et tripartisme en République tchèque, Étude du CEFRES n° 4, 2005,

— Proměny „sladké Francie“. Otázky francouzských dějin 30. a 40. let 20. století, Étude du CEFRES n° 3, 2004.

— Carole Pommois :
La consommation à Prague : impacts sur l’espace urbain, Étude du CEFRES n° 2, 2004.

— Cyrille Billaud et François Richard :
Les élections européennes de juin 2004 en Pologne, République tchèque et Slovaquie, Étude du CEFRES n° 1, 2004.