All posts by Claire Madl

CFA – 2024 CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships

Call for applications for 2nd year and above PhD students at the Charles University or the Czech Academy of Sciences

Deadline for submission: 17 March 2024 (call closed)
Duration: 1 September 2024 – 31 August 2025

In the frame of its Platform, CEFRES offers a year-long fellowship to PhD students enrolled at the Charles University and/or working as fellows at the Academy of Sciences in the Czech Republic. Fellows’ research should contribute to one of CEFRES’s research areas.

The amount of the fellowship is cca 9 000 EUR / 225 000 CZK per year.

Good command of English is mandatory, command of French is appreciated. The selected PhD fellows will join CEFRES team and take part in the Center’s scientific life. Continue reading CFA – 2024 CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships

CFA – Stays in France for researchers from the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Programme CEFRES – IFS – SAV pour des séjours en France de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales

L’Ambassade de France en Slovaquie, l’Institut français de Slovaquie et l’Académie slovaque des sciences proposent en coopération avec le Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES) et le groupement de recherche « Connaissance de l’Europe médiane » (CEM) un programme de soutien aux séjours scientifiques dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales en France durant l’année 2023. Ce programme est destiné aux jeunes chercheurs travaillant dans les instituts et centres de l’Académie slovaque des sciences. L’objectif de ce programme est de soutenir les coopérations franco-slovaques dans ce domaine, par un séjour de recherche de deux mois, avec le soutien scientifique du partenaire français, des équipes du CEFRES et des membres du CEM. En conséquence, les candidatures seront déposées individuellement par les jeunes chercheurs, mais le soutien affiché par des membres du CEFRES et du CEM sera un élément primordial de leur évaluation. L’ambition du programme est de faire émerger des synergies de recherche durables entre partenaires français et slovaques travaillant en réseaux de collaboration sur des objets de recherche innovants et interdisciplinaires en sciences sociales et humaines. Continue reading CFA – Stays in France for researchers from the Slovak Academy of Sciences

CFP – Proustian Perspectives

Call for papers: Conference Proustian Perspectives

Date and location: March 22–24, 2023, Prague and online
Organizers: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Czech Literature and Comparative Studies & Department of Romance Studies; with the collaboration of CEFRES
Deadline for proposals: November 15, 2022
Languages: French and English

Although well explored, Marcel Proust’s literary work is a territory that never ceases to reveal unknown corners. Whether the subject of interest is the author’s masterpiece or his other literary attempts, or even his unpublished writings, research continues to bring out new discoveries. The century that has passed since the author’s death has been marked by efforts to understand his work, or at least to multiply its readings with different interpretative languages. Continue reading CFP – Proustian Perspectives

BIELEXIL – Belarusian exiles in Central and Eastern Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine

Principal inverstigators:
Michèle Baussant (ICM Fellow / CEFRES)
Ronan Hervouet (CEFRES / Université de Bordeaux)
Members of the research team:
Pascale Laborier (ICM Fellow / ISSP)
Ekaterina Pierson-Lyzhina (Cevipol. Université libre de Bruxelles)
Tatyana Shukan (Cevipol, Université libre de Bruxelles)

The project is supported by the French Collaborative Institute on Migration (Institut Convergences Migrations, ICM), within a “flash call” dedicated to Ukraine funded by the Fondation de France. Continue reading BIELEXIL – Belarusian exiles in Central and Eastern Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine

CFP – Displacements: Women’s Transnational Trajectories & Artistic Experiences of Emancipation in Central Europe

Displacements: Women’s Transnational Trajectories & Artistic Experiences of Emancipation in Central Europe

Organizers: Mateusz Chmurski, Clara Royer, Lola Sinoimeri
Time and Place: March 16-18, 2023 – CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE), Prague
Proposal Deadline: October 15, 2022
Languages of the conference: French, English

Scientific Committee:
Anna Borgos (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia), Libuše Heczková
(Univerzita Karlova), Luba Jurgenson (Sorbonne Université), Iwona Kurz (Uniwersytet Warszawski), Jasmina Lukić (Central European University), Markéta Theinhardt (Sorbonne Université)

Partners: EUR’ORBEM (CNRS-Sorbonne Université) – CEFRES (CNRS-MEAE) – Ústav české literatury a komparatistiky, Filosofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova – Instytut Kultury Polskiej, Wydział Polonistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski


Continue reading CFP – Displacements: Women’s Transnational Trajectories & Artistic Experiences of Emancipation in Central Europe