CEFRES Seminar 2022-2023

One of CEFRES’s mission is to train the young researchers welcome at the center.

Since Autumn 2021, CEFRES gathers in a Research Seminar all its PhD fellows and researchers opened to young researchers and to MA and PhD students of its partners, within “CEFRES Platform” and in the four Visegrad countries.

Through the presentation of works in progress, CEFRES’s Seminar aims at raising and discussing issues about methods, approaches or concepts, in a multidisciplinary spirit, allowing everyone to confront her or his own perspectives with the research presented. The seminar can be led by a single researcher or in pairs, be based on a reading or a document, or welcome an external researcher invited to present particularly inspirative work.

In 2022–2023, once a month, CEFRES seminar joins the Seminar organized within the research project NANO: Nature(s) & normsLocation: CEFRES Library and online

Dates: Twice a month, on Friday 16:30–18:30
Language: English
Contact: cefres[@]cefres.cz

Schedule for 2022-2023 summer semester

February 7,  2023
Adrien Bauduin (CEU/CEFRES) / Discutante : Anemona Constantin (Université Charles de Prague / CEFRES)
Les hommes et femmes de l’extrême-droite parlementaire polonaise et tchèque

March 14, 2023
Michèle Baussant (CNRS, CEFRES) / Discutante :  Emina ZoletiĆ (CEFRES / Université de Varsovie)

April 11, 2023
Ange Pottin (CEFRES/Université Charles de Prague) / Discutante Chloé Mondémé (CNRS)
Home beyond species. More-than-human dwelling in the age of crises

May 9, 2023
Olga Kalashnikova (CEU/associée au CEFRES) / Discutante Eloïse Adde (CEU)

Schedule for 2022-2023 winter semester

September 23
Fedora Parmann (post-doctoral researcher, CEFRES)
Hana Buddeus (Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences)
The Matrix of Photomechanical Reproductions of Art. Research Project Presentation

October 7
Ronan Hervouet (professor of sociology, Bordeaux University hosting at CEFRES)
Belarusian exiles in Central and Eastern Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. Research project presentation
Emina Zoletić (PhD Candidate at U. of Warsaw / PhD fellow at CEFRES)

October 21 | Seminar Nature(s) & norms
Astrid Greve Kristensen (PhD candidate at Sorbonne Université / associated at CEFRES)
E(co)schatological Entrypoints: The Abject and the Anthropocene in Bianca Bellová’s novel Jezero [The Lake]
Matylda Szewczyk (PhD candidate at University of Warsaw)
On Darkness and Light: Images of Nuclear Power and Reproduction

November 11
Jan Kremer (PhD candidate at Charles University / PhD fellow at CEFRES)
Ludohistorical Representations of Religion and Spirituality: Historical Culture and Digital Remediation
Julien Wacquez (post-doctoral associate at CEFRES)
Approaching Matters: Socio-Historical Perspectives on What Is to Come

November 25 | Seminar Nature(s) & normsEnvironmental Consciousness before and after 1989Moderated by Petr Gibas, PhD (CEFRES-Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Science)

Marta KOLÁŘOVÁ, PhD (Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Science)
Gender and eco-domesticity: Czech sustainable values, norms and practices in 2010s

Weronika PARFIANOWICZ, PhD (Institute of Polish Culture, University of Warsaw)
“To develop a new form of frugality”. Norms of consumption and environmental awareness in socialist Poland

Matěj SPURNÝ, PhD (Institute of Economic and Social History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University)
A quiet revolution in a period of timelessness. The transformations of the relation toward the environment in Czechoslovakia 1968–1989

December 16 | Seminar Nature(s) & normes
Alicja Urbanik-Kopeć, PhD (Institute of Contemporary History, Polish Academy of Sciences) Eugenics and social health.
Vojtěch Pojar (CEFRES-CEU)Eugenics in Austria-Hungary: Social Functions and Imperial Circulation of an Ambiguous Body of Knowledge, 1900-1914

French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences – Prague