Honore Banidje : research & cv

The national construction in Benin (1894–1975) through the central-european prism

Contact : honore.banidje(@)cefres.cz

Honoré Banidjè is a PhD student in history at the Pedagogy department of Charles University in Prague.

His researches focus on “The national construction in Benin (1894-1975) through the central-european prism” and aims to compare national processes in African states established after decolonial movements, specially Benin, with “successor states” in Central Europe, Czechoslovakia in particular, born after the dislocation of Central Powers.

  • Master of Human Rights and Democracy, UNESCO chair  (Abomey-Calavi) University
  • Master in Contemporary African History (Abomey-Calavi)
  • Diploma in Secondary Education (Abomey-Calavi)