The interdisciplinary selection jury of the CEFRES mobility grants auditioned 12 candidates on June the 2nd, 2020. After deliberating, the jury have decided as follows:
Young Researcher Fellowships
- Vojtech Pojar (CEU): Experts in Post-imperial Transitions: Entanglements and Diverging Trajectories of Eugenicists between the Habsburg Empire and the Nation States, 1912–1939
- Agnieszka Sobolewska (University of Warsaw): Entre l’autoanalyse et l’autobiographie. Pratiques quotidiennes de l’écriture des premiers psychanalystes et l’importance des documents intimes pour le développement de la théorie freudienne
- Nikola Ludlová (CEU): Roma as an Object of Science and State Polices. Knowledge and Citizens in the Making in Post-war Czechoslovakia, 1945–1989
- Véronique Gruca (Paris-Nanterre University): Chamanisme, mort et mines en Mongolie post-communiste
CEFRES Platform PhD Fellowships
- Jan Kremer (UK): Digital Game as a Representation of History
Associated PhD Fellows
Honoré Banidjé (UK): La construction nationale au Bénin (1894-1975), un exemple centre européen?
Adrien Beauduin (CEU): Réarticulations de genre, sexualité, race et classe dans la droite radicale populiste en Tchéquie et en Pologne
Eva Kotasková (Masaryk University): From Coal Mining Production to Wilderness Industry: Ethnography of Svalbard Archipelago
Barbora Kyereko (UK): « Cocoa is Ghana, Ghana is Cocoa »: Ethnography of Research Institut
Dusan Ljuboja (Eötvös Loránd University): The State, Nationalism and Pan-Slavism in the “Age of Metternich” (1815-1848) – The Case of the Serbs of Pest and Buda