Ludovic Lepeltier-Kutasi: Research & CV

Does the Residential Renewal Stand the Test of Residual Public Housing? Urban Policies and Social Dynamics in a Peripheral Budapest District

Research Area 3: Objects, Traces, Mapping: Everyday Experience of Spaces


Photo_Ludovic Lepeltier-KutasiMy research project focuses on the social and spatial issues of residual public housing in Hungary. This particular category of housing, inherited from the massive nationalization of joint ownership housing at the end of the 1940s, is managed directly or indirectly by local government. This type of housing has been spared by the massive waves of privatization in the 1990s, generally because of proven “discomfort”. The concentration of this type of housing in the margins of provincial towns or in the peri-central neighbors of Budapest emerged at the end of the 1990s as a public problem related to “degraded municipal housing”. In order to stop the “vicious circle of ghettoization”, district government in Budapest launched around 2000 several programs of urban rehabilitation. The most iconic of them, the “Magdolna program” in the eighth district, touches upon several issues concerning control of residential dynamics in a context of urban transformation. Grounded in an ethnographic approach, the aim of this work is to provide a sharp analysis of the articulation between these regulation policies and subtle mechanics of social exclusion.



2012: PhD studies in Geography, François-Rabelais University (Tours)

2011-2012: 2nd year of MA in Geography, École des hautes études en sciences sociales. Topic: Transformation of the Order of Local Legitimacy and the Social Differentiation Process in Magdolna District, Budapest

2009-2010: 1st year of MA in Geography, François-Rabelais University. Topic: Immigration at Home. Living in the City, Living in Movement: the Case of Hungarian-speaking Transylvanian Migrants moving to Budapest

Stay Abroad

2010 : Research Internship at CEFRES


2010-2015: Lecturer at François-Rabelais University. Courses: Computer Science for Geographs, Regional Geography, Urban Geography

2013-2014: Intervention at the Institut du Travail social in Tours (ITS)

Professional Activities

2012-2013: Chargé de mission at Observatoire des inégalités

2010-2011: Chargé de mission at Urba-Rom, European research network on public policies towards “Gypsies” hosted by the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Tours

2007-2010: parliamentary assistant

Associative activities

2016—: Publishing director of Hulala, Central European medium written in French, manager of the pole “Ideas and Debates”

2006—: Member of the board of the Tours Popular University. Creator and manager of “Geography cafés” in Tours



With Gergely Olt, “Demander réparation(s). À Budapest, les mobilisations collectives à l’épreuve de leur visibilité”, Cultures & Conflits, 2016, no 101, p. 81‑98.

Book reviews

“Anne Clerval et Jean-Pierre Garnier (dir.), “Où est passé le peuple ?”, Espaces et sociétés, n° 156-157, 2014″, Lectures, 2014.

“Cécile Cuny, Changement urbain et démocratie participative à Berlin. Ethnographie du grand ensemble de Marzahn”, Lectures, 2014.

“Maurice Blanc, Nasser Fakouhi et Anne Raulin (dir.), “Minorités, métropoles, mondialisations”, Espaces et sociétés, n° 154, 2013″, Lectures, 2014.

Seminaries and conferences

2014: Intervention in the permanent seminar of the Urban Civic Workshop (Kritikai Városműhely) in Budapest ; intervention in the seminar “Autour de l’habiter” at EHESS ; participation in the international conference “Towns and Comparisons”, Biennale du réseau RT9 de l’Association française de sociologie in Lille

2013: Intervention in the seminar “Territoires du Capital “, EMAM –  CITERES/MSH Tours on the subject of “La dynamique foncière dans les villes méditerranéennes : évolutions, acteurs et gouvernance” ; intervention at the Institut national d’aménagement et d’Urbanisme of Morocco, in the frame of the doctoral school “Maîtriser la dynamique des aires métropolitaines.  Défis politique, institutionnel et technique” ; participation in the international conference “L’espace en partages”, Espaces et Sociétés, in Rennes

2012: Intervention at the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris – Val de Seine in a lecture-debate organized by NETRACES – Network for Research and Action on European Slums